Like most fish, prawns have a smell that reminds people of the ocean. But fresh prawns shouldn’t have a fishy smell that’s too strong.
Instead, they should have a sweet and slightly salty smell that reminds you of the sea. Most of the time, a fishy smell means that something is rotting or has gone bad.
When prawns are caught and treated correctly, they should have a mild, pleasant smell. If the shrimp smell strongly of fish, that could mean they are not fresh.
Prawns that have just been caught should be kept and moved properly, ideally on ice, to keep their quality. When they start to go bad, the smell gets stronger and less attractive.
Also, cooking prawns the right way can help get rid of any remaining fishy smell.
Fresh, high-quality prawns can be cooked in many ways, like cooking, sautéing, or steaming, which bring out their natural flavors without making them smell fishier.

What Causes the Fishy Smell in Prawns?
The smell of fish in prawns comes from a chemical called trimethylamine (TMA). TMA is a chemical that is found naturally in seafood, like prawns, and is what gives them their fishy smell.
When shrimp start to go bad, the amount of TMA in them goes up, making the fishy smell stronger. TMA can build up in prawns if they aren’t stored well, are exposed to air for a long time, or are past their prime.
This is what makes them smell bad. So, it’s important to handle and store prawns the right way if you want them to stay fresh and not have a strong fishy smell.
By knowing what makes the fishy smell, seafood lovers can make smart choices when buying and cooking shrimp to make sure they have a great meal.
How to Choose Fresh Prawns?

Here are a few tips that will help you choose the best prawns:
1-Appearance: Look for shrimp that are clear, light pink, or have a grayish color. Avoid those that look dark or yellow, as they may not be as fresh.
2-Texture: Fresh prawns should have a hard, springy feel when you touch them. Avoid those that feel sticky or mushy.
3-Smell: Take a whiff of the prawns; they should have a faint ocean smell. Stay away from prawns that smell really fishy.
4-Eyes and Shells: Choose shrimp with clear, black eyes and shells that are still whole. Cloudy eyes and broken shells could be signs of low quality.
5-Source: Buy prawns from a good seafood store or a trusted supplier whose products are known for being high quality.
Remember that prawns go bad quickly, so it’s best to buy them fresh and eat them right away.
Are Fishy Smell Prawns Safe to Eat?

Even if shrimp smell a little bit fishy, that doesn’t mean they are dangerous to eat. As long as the smell isn’t too strong, you should be able to eat the crabs.
But prawns with strong or unpleasant fishy smells may be past their prime and may have gone bad.
When this happens, it is best to throw them away to avoid any possible health risks.
Tips to Remove Fishy Smell in Prawns

If you bought shrimp that smell like fish and want to save them, don’t worry.
Here are some good ways to get rid of the fishy smell:
- Rinsing and Soaking: Run cold water over the prawns to clean them well. Then, soak them for about 15 to 20 minutes in a mixture of water and a tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar. The acid helps get rid of the smell of fish.
- Milk Soak: Put the prawns in a bowl of cold milk and leave them for 30 minutes. The enzymes in milk can help get rid of the smell of fish.
- Saltwater Solution: Mix cold water and salt to make a brine solution. Soak the prawns for 10 to 15 minutes in this solution to get rid of the fishy smell.
- Cooking Techniques: Choose cooking ways like grilling, baking, or sautéing, which help get rid of the fishy smell while the food is being cooked.
- Herbs and Spices: If your prawn recipes have a fishy smell that won’t go away, add fragrant herbs and spices like garlic, ginger, parsley, or cilantro.
By using these tips, you can improve the general flavor of the prawns and cut down on the fishy smell, making sure you have a good meal.
Final Thoughts
prawn have a fishy smell because they contain a natural substance called trimethylamine (TMA).
Fresh prawns usually smell like a light sea breeze, but a strong fishy smell could mean they are going bad.
When buying prawns, it’s important to choose fresh ones based on how they look, feel, smell, their eyes, and their shells.
Prawns that smell a little fishy are usually safe to eat, but if the smell is strong, it’s best not to eat them. But if your prawns smell fishy, you can use the tips above to cut down on the smell and bring out the best flavors in your meals.
So go ahead and enjoy these delicious treats without thinking about a fishy smell lingering.